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Active Newsletters

Station Updates

1 Email/Week—A little bit of everything: updates about our schedule, show profiles, volunteer profiles, music highlights, charts, and occasional job or volunteer postings. This is also where we’ll promote advertising and sponsorship opportunities.

Local News Weekly

1 Email/Week—A wrap of local news stories we covered throughout the last week.

101.7(Things) Events Update

1 Email/Week—Five to seven events happening in our Broadcast Community on the Salish Sea. If we’re doing ticket giveaways, this is the email list you want to be on! Music, festivals, arts and culture.

Membership Updates

3-5 Emails/Year—Only for members of the Radio Malaspina Society. This will include notices for any General Meetings we might have, particularly our AGM in late October.

Newsletters on Pause

Podcasts Updates

New Music, Reviews + More

Volunteer + Job Postings

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